Environmental Impact of Rigid Polyurethane foam

For customers in the construction industry, you may have possibly heard that polyurethane is anything but a sustainable material and that it has a high environmental impact. The environmental benefits of rigid polyurethane foam are significant and include increasing energy efficiency and reductions in energy-efficient construction costs, reducing project weight, and savings of all the […]
About Rigid Polyurethane Foam

Rigid polyurethane foam is perceived as the material that provides ideal insulation in a wide variety of applications. Its flexibility during the assembling process transforms it into a material that can adjust to various surfaces in a remarkable manner, providing the necessary execution for each application situation. They have excellent thermal insulation, chemical resistance, and […]
Isn’t All Insulation the Same?

Thermal insulating materials are determined by their respective R-values. The R–value is a measure of an insulation’s ability to reduce the rate of heat flow under specified test conditions. The primary mode of heat transfer impeded by insulation is conduction, but insulation also reduces heat loss by all three heat transfer modes: conduction, convection, and radiation. When it comes to choosing the right installation for your home, it is not […]
Insulation and Buildings

Insulation can be thermal or acoustic but we will be making more emphasis on thermal in this write-up. Thermal insulation covers heating and cooling, so this is applicable to most countries including Nigeria. For optimal energy efficiency, your home should be properly insulated from the roof down to its foundation. The illustration below shows all […]
Systems House Launch

A Systems House is a critical unit in the polyurethane industry. It oversees the formulation of new polyurethane systems on a laboratory scale. Successful systems are subsequently produced on a commercial scale in the blending plant for sale to customers. Vitapur’s Polyurethane Systems House is the result of visionary thinking and strategic planning by Vitafoam […]
Solutions for Everyday Living Part 2

This year’s Archibuilt exhibition themed “Solutions for everyday living Part 2” organized by the Nigerian Institute of Architects was held at the Sheraton hotels, Abuja and co-sponsored by Vitapur Nigeria limited (a subsidiary of Vitafoam Nigeria PLC). Vitapur Nigeria limited made Presentations of its capabilities to delegates during a Product presentation session for two consecutive […]